Why does Duolingo look old? Know the secret behind the sad owl icon!

why does duolingo look old

Have you also noticed that the iconic green owl of Duolingo, which was previously cheerful and bright, now looks a bit old and sad?

Many users are confused about this change and are sharing their confusion on Reddit and other social media platforms.

So let’s explore the reasons behind this visual transformation and learn how you can tweak this app according to your needs.

Duolingo’s New Look

Duolingo’s mascot, Duo the Owl, has become the most iconic symbol of the language learning app. He always showed a happy and bubbly expression that gave off positive vibes.

But in the latest version, Duo has a sad, wrinkly and even “melting” look. This sad look is intentional and not a random change. Some new strategies have been used to engage new users and grab the attention of existing users again.

User Reactions

  • “After seeing this owl, I don’t feel like opening the app.”
  • “Why is my owl sulking? What is the tension?”
  • “Looking at the new Duo icon it feels like I have failed to learn the language.”

Many users have expressed their disappointment and confusion on social media. But, if this change is looked at strategically, there are a lot of thoughtful behind-the-scenes steps that Duolingo is taking.

Reasons Behind the Change

There are some interesting strategies and reasons behind Duolingo’s new look. These changes are not just a gimmick; they are well-researched experiments that are part of Duolingo’s marketing and user engagement tactics.

A/B TestingTesting new designs on limited users first.Analyzing data about user preferences.
Novelty EffectGrabbing users’ attention through unexpected changes.The habit of opening and exploring apps.
Visual Branding RefreshMaking changes to make the brand playful and dynamic.Brand recall and engagement will improve.

1. Experiment with A/B Testing

A/B testing is a common process of marketing and app development. Duolingo divides users into groups – some are shown new icons and features and others are shown old ones.

  • In April 2024, a group was given a sad/wrinkly owl icon.
  • The second group continued the cheerful Duo icon.

All this is done to analyze the data as to which users like the most and how their behavior changes.

2. Benefits of Novelty Effect

In psychology the meaning of novelty effect is “new things attract more attention.” Sad or melting icon is a deliberate experiment that intrigues you. When some familiar thing changes with novelty, people start to explore it more.
Sad icon of Duolingo is applying the idea that you should regularly open the app after looking at the icon and maintain a streak.

3. Refresh your visual branding

Duolingo’s branding has always been quite playful and quirky. Melting or Sad Duo is a bold move that proves that branding is not limited to just creating an image, but rather a tool to play with users’ emotions by rotating it.

  • “Push Notifier Owl” which aggressively sends you notifications to complete lessons.
  • His iconic angry or begging look was used to improve lesson completion rates.

Are these changes permanent?

There is one more major concern – is this old or sad look permanent?

No, Duolingo has clarified that this is just a temporary tactic to take advantage of the novelty effect. The major goal of Sad Duo or Melting Owl updates is to motivate users to discover new features and explore the app more.


  • Past Experiments: The “Melted Face” version of Duo was previously temporary and was reverted.
  • Engagement: If there is good engagement then new visual changes may be seen in future experiments.

How to customize Duolingo App?

If you don’t like the old or new Duo, you can customize the icon of your app using some hacks. But this feature is only available for Super Duolingo and Streak Society members.

Customization Steps Table:

Membership TypeSteps To Customize
Super Duolingo1. Tap the Duo icon on the Home Screen. 2. Select the “Super App Icon” option. 3. Activate it.
Streak Society1. Tap the streak flame icon. 2. Find “Change App Icon”. 3. Select your favorite option.

With this addition you can make your learning experience more engaging and interactive!

Maintain consistency along with learning

Icon changes or app layout should not distract your learning goals. It is important to maintain a daily streak and practice continuously. Here are some tips that will help you not lose your streak.

Tips To Maintain Duolingo Streak:

  1. Enable Notifications: Push notifications will keep giving you regular reminders.
  2. Create short practice windows: 5-10 minute lessons do not take much time and the streak is also maintained.
  3. Enjoy Milestone Rewards: Rewards and XP milestones motivate you to keep going.
  4. Use other resources: Along with language learning apps, use podcasts and videos for better fluency.
  5. Don’t stress: If the streak breaks, don’t overthink about it. There are options available to restart it.

Why Duolingo’s Strategy Works

Duolingo has always been known for its creative strategies. Sad Duo or melted icons grab people’s attention and push for consistency. This quirky and engaging branding is rare in marketing, which makes Duolingo standout.

Pros of Duolingo’s Branding Approach:

  • Continuous experimentation keeps things fresh.
  • Users enjoy the surprise and humor.
  • Retains engagement and reduces user fatigue.

Fun Trivia Table:

Quirky Duolingo FactsDetails
Mascot NameOwl Duo
Famous Campaign“Push Notifier Owl”
Previous Icon ChangeMelting Owl (2022)
Average Daily Active Users14.2 Million+


So if you’re wondering “why does Duolingo look old?”, consider this app a thoughtful strategy that balances novelty and engagement. Think of these changes as a fun twist and stay focused on your language learning goals.

Now open the app, enjoy the new look of Duo, and take your language skills to a new level!

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